in OMG! Artist Paints Chilling Visions Of A Post-Apocalyptic Tokyo by Gerald A Japanese artist, known as ‘tokyogenso‘ has created an incredible series of digital paintings, which depict his vision of a post-apocalptic Tokyo. Haneda Airport source Rainbow Bridge source To create these chilling images, tokyogenso first takes a real photograph of a location in Tokyo and then uses photoshop to turn it into a post-apocalyptic scene. Sakuraya source Shibuya source The scenes wouldn’t look out of place in post-apocalyptic movies such as Terminator 2 and the recent Hunger Games series. Nakano Station source Yoyogi Station source A truly haunting vision of the future. [syia-popup] artartistjapanpost-apocalpyticstokyo See more Previous article A Homeless Man Gave A Student His Last £3. What Happened Next Is Amazing. Next article The 30 Creepiest Photos Ever Taken Written by Gerald