1, The “Look I can hold my own legs up” pose
2, The “I can slide down the banister” pose
3, The “I have my arms and my leg in the air” pose
4, The “I have both my legs up in the air” pose
5, The “I can balance on a fake horse” pose
6, The “I’m really surprised at what’s behind me” pose
7, The “Look my head is down at my knees” pose
8, The “I tangled myself up in string” pose
9, The “If I sit in a glass I still look good” pose
10, The “I’m in a really weird position” pose
11, The “Look, I can swing on a rope” pose
12, The “I’m so sexy with my legs up in the air” pose
13, The “Pour water in my face” pose
14, The “I can even ride a bicycle” pose
15, The “Look at my hands” pose
16, The “Downward dog” pose
17, The “Look I’m on a dog” pose
18, The “Face down, Ass up” pose
19, The “Look at my come to bed eyes” pose
20, The “Look, I’m in the air” pose
So, what’s the verdict? One vote for team cat here!