Here are 15 things that drive me mad… how about you?
1, They never to the dishes…
But don’t worry they don’t need done yet, there are still come clean dishes in the cupboard!
2, They never lift the lid in the toilet…
But they are amazed when shown that it does actually lift!!
3, They aren’t a fan of selfies!
But they aren’t shy of taking pics of you just out the shower with make up running down your face!
4, They never seem to know where everything lives…
But they are okay with just leaving everything out!
5, They don’t get that sometimes you just want to cuddle…
But they will keep on trying anyway!
6, They try and be sweet by buying you nice chocolates…
But then they eat all of them and you have only had two!
7, They just don’t get that you enjoy a girls night in…
But they will try and let you carry on until they realise he is now one of the girls!
8, They very rarely let you shower alone…
But it can be okay… sometimes!
9, They don’t seem to mind wearing dirty clothes
But they use the excuse of “I thought you liked it when my clothes smell of me”… no only on the first 3 dates!
10, They shave…
Enough said.
11, They refuse to make any decision about anything…
But when they do, it’s always “whatever” but you know that’s not quite true!
12, They are a totally different person when they have their friends over…
But as soon as they leave they want to snuggle. Don’t think so pal.
13, They blame your period every time your upset…
But it doesn’t make a slight difference anyway because you are so mad that they even mentioned it!
14, They are the world biggest babies when they have man flu…
But we get no sympathy. Ever!
15, They seem heartbroken when they realise you don’t always wear lacy underwear…
But for us, if they are clean boxers, it’s a good day!
Does this remind you of your other half?