
10 TV Series That Ended Perfectly

7. The Office (UK)


Why It’s Perfect…

[adsense-inline]The series that launched Ricky Gervais into the public consciousness with the inimitable David Brent, The Office is another series which is a strong candidate for best British sitcom.
In the finale, which was screened as a 2 part Christmas special (and as always in a faux documentary style), we go back to Wernham Hogg to find out what has happened to the characters since we last saw them on screen.
Much like friends with the Rachel/Ross plotline, Tim and Dawn’s relationship was a focal point of the series and in the final few minutes they get together at last. Oh and we also get to see David Brent finally tell Chris Finch to ‘F*** Off!’.
The episode is emotional and needless to say, hilarious, bowing out on a real high.

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Written by Emma

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