1. Typical subway passenger
2. Typical street decorations
3. Typical guy in a chair
4. Typical cooking show
5. Typical science fair project
6. Typical dispenser
7. Typical way to kill time.
8. Typical TV English lesson.
9. Typical vending machine.
10. Typical callanetics.
11. Typical gourmet candy bar shop.
12. Typical… actually I don’t even want to think about what this one is.
13. Typical cookbook.
14. Typical soccer fans.
15. Typical heavy metal band.
16. Typical KFC.
17. Typical hotel room.
18. Typical museum.
19. Typical frat party.
20. Typical walk with your pet hog.
21. Typical pillows.
22. Typical insect cracker.
23. Typical party horn.
24. Typical dinner.
And that’s without getting into the youtube videos… Ok, then, here’s one!
25. Typical marathon training.
Why Japan? Why?