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The 21 Most Haunted Hotels In The World

19. Hotel del Coronado, US

This hotel in California is said to be haunted by the ghost of Kate Morgan, who was found dead days after she checked in. Guests who have been brave enough to stay in her room report flickering lights, the TV turning on by itself and seeing a woman standing by the window.

20. Ahwahnee Hotel, US

This sixth floor of the Alwanhee Hotel in Yosemite National Park is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former employee, Mary Curry Tresside. Staff have reported seeing a spectral rocking chair on the third floor, significant because president John F Kennedy requested one while visiting in 1962.

21. Ballygally Castle Hotel, Northern Ireland

Another ghost story with a gruesome origin, this hotel is said to be haunted by the ghost of Lady Isobella Shaw. Lady Isobella, who was a resident of the castle in 1625 is said to have been locked alone in a room by Lord Shaw after giving birth to their son. Attempting to escape, she fell from a window and died and is now said to wander the castle, desperately searching for the son who was taken for her.
So, that’s the 21 most haunted hotels in the world. We hope you enjoyed the tour and… sweet dreams!

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Written by Gerald

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