
You won't believe how many slices of bacon this guy ate in 5 minutes.

Competitive eating is a thing apparently and this guy takes the whole cake… or at least the bacon. This is Matt “Megatoad” Stonie and when he recently took part in a bacon eating contest sponsored by Smithfield Foods in Daytona he killed it.
I reckon I could easily do a good half dozen slices in a sitting, but the number of rashers of baconĀ Matt managed to much down in just 5 minutes is absolutely ridiculous. Wait for it…
Here is Matt with his trophy and the sign he is holding tells you just how many slices he managed…
182 slices of bacon in one 5 minute sitting… that’s just crazy!
Speaking to Matt said: –

“I’m a huge bacon fan, so I jumped at the chance to team up with Smithfield to set the bacon-eating world record. As one of the youngest competitive eaters on the circuit, I’m always looking to push myself so I aimed to eat 150 slices, but when I passed that and got to 182 slices, I knew it must be because I’m fueled by bacon!”

Em… good for you Matt, I guess.

Written by Gerald

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