8. Whitney Houston
August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012 (age 48)
The acclaimed singer and star of 1992’s The Bodyguard was found dead in her hotel at the Beverley Hilton in California in February 2012. The official coroner’s report showed that she had accidentally drowned in her bathtub (with heart disease and cocaine use listed as contributing factors), although once again there are various conspiracy theories regarding Whitney’s death – including that she was the victim of an Illuminati sacrifice.
The photo below was taken as Houston left Club Tru in Hollywood CA just days before her death.
9. Elvis Presley
January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977 (age 42)
Despite people claiming to have seen Elvis alive and well everywhere from their local fish and chip shops to Las Vegas casinos, The King (probably) died on the 16th August 1977 at the age of just 42. He didn’t die on his toilet (as is often claimed), he was in fact found on his bathroom floor at Graceland by his then girlfriend Ginger Alden. It is thought that drug use was to blame for Presley’s death, although again this is heavily disputed by his fans.
The last known photo of Elvis was taken shortly after midnight at 12.28 AM on the day of his death as he returned to Graceland from a late night visit to his dentist Lester Hofman.