1. Our sunsets are pathetic
I mean, just look at these photos of the setting sun captured by Southern Californian photographer Rich Cruse…
I mean, come on sun… at least make an effort to pretty up the sky for the photos.
Rich did his best, but he really didn’t have much to work with did he…
2. It rains all the time
Let’s be honest, when you think of California and weather, you automatically think of rain don’t you?
It rains here all the time.
Rain, rain, rain.
In fact we get a whopping 17″ of the wet stuff every year. So it’s just as well that…
3. There are no beaches
California is of course completely land locked, and doesn’t have 840 miles of coastline.
With mile after mile of beautiful golden, sandy beaches.
And it’s not in any way famous for its surfing.